Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again!

All I could think when I took this was, they used to do this for Mao, now it's for soccer
Last Saturday the Jiangsu Sainty soccer season began once again. So I headed down to the Nanjing Olympic Stadium with a completely different group of kids than last season. Brendan and Brandon have headed to Yunnan, and Erin had class, so I went with three kids from the class I T.A. for and several of their friends. Three of us bought season tickets right off the bat, complete with a free team jersey, and I'm excited to have soccer buddies for the rest of the time I am here (I leave to head home mid-season).

A view of the fan club from the other side.
And then a look at the visiting team's fan club.
We ended up winning 3-0, which was awesome, and spent the last half in the fan club section (n00bs didn't know where to go at first). A side from cheering along with the crowd I also made it my mission to film the cheers that the fan club does. I think that they're pretty neat. So I thought I'd share them and explain what they mean!

1.Goal Cheer!
This cheer involves either locking shoulders or grabbing others' shoulders and jumping back and forth while yelling "ooo" several times in a pattern :)

2. Lolos
This is just a random cheer that goes "lolo lolo lo lo, lolo lolo lo lo, lolo lolo lo lolo lolo lo, lolololo, 舜天! 舜天 is the Sanitys

3. Team Cheer
This cheer is the Jiangsu Sanity's main cheer, and it goes 舜天一起战斗,舜天一起战斗,蓝色我的梦想,蓝色我的信仰!Saintys fight together, Saintys fight together, Blue (the team color) my dreams, blue my belief. It's a little hard to hear, I'll try to get a better video next time.

4. 杀,傻逼!Kill, idiots!
For yelling both at the team and the opposition, the fan club yells "kill the idiots!"

5. Bow at the end
So I've just sort of figured out how videos work on this blog, so here is a video from last season after we've won of the players bowing. I just thought that the confetti was neat.
 We get another game this weekend! Yay! Love,

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